עזרה עבור LibreOffice 25.2
Inserts a bibliography reference.
Inserts a reference from the bibliography database.
Inserts a reference from the bibliography records that are stored in the current document. An entry that is stored in the document has priority over an entry that is stored in the bibliography database.
When you save a document that contains bibliography entries, the corresponding records are automatically saved in a hidden field in the document.
Select the short name of the bibliography record that you want to insert.
If available, the author and the full title of the selected short name are displayed in this area.
Inserts the bibliographic reference into the document. If you created a new record, you must also insert it as an entry, otherwise the record is lost when you close the document.
Closes the dialog.
Opens the Define Bibliography Entry dialog, where you can create a new bibliography record. This record is only stored in the document. To add a record to the bibliography database, choose Tools - Bibliography Database.
Opens the Define Bibliography Entry dialog where you can edit the selected bibliography record.