
Specify the AutoCorrect options for quotation marks and for options that are specific to the language of the text.

כדי לגשת לפקודה הזאת…

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Localized Options tab.

Select to apply the replacements while you type [T], or when you modify existing text [M].

הוספת רווח בלתי מפריד לפני סימני פיסוק מסוימים בטקסט צרפתי

Inserts a non breaking space before ";", "!", "?", ":" and "%" when the character language is set to French (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco, or Switzerland) and before ":" only when the character language is set to French (Canada).

Format ordinal number suffixes (1st ... 1st)

Formats the text characters of ordinals, such as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, as superscripts. For example, in English text, 1st will be converted to 1st.

Note Icon

Note that this only applies to languages that have the convention of formatting ordinal numbers as superscript.

יש לתעתק להונגרית עתיקה אם כיוון הטקסט הוא מימין לשמאל

Words and numbers are transliterated to Old Hungarian script, if the text direction is from right to left using complex text layout.

Languages Using Complex Text Layout

להחליף את << ואת >> עם מירכאות משולשות

Automatically replaces double less-than and greater-than signs with double angle quotes « and » in several languages, and with single angle quotes ‹ and › in Swiss French.

Single Quotes / Double Quotes

Specify the replacement characters to use for single or double quotation marks.


Automatically replaces the default system symbol for the given type of quotation marks with the special character that you specify.

Start quote

Select the special character that will automatically replace the current opening quotation mark in your document when you choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply.

End quote

Select the special character that will automatically replace the current closing quotation mark in your document when you choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply.


Resets the quotation marks to the default symbols.

Dialog Buttons


Resets modified values back to the tab page previous values.


Closes dialog and discards all changes.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.

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