Finds specific text formatting features, such as font types, font effects, and text flow characteristics.
כדי לגשת לפקודה הזאת…
Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Format button.
The search criteria for attributes are listed below the Find box.
You do not need to specify a search text in the Find box when you search and replace formatting.
To define a replacement format, click in the Replace box, and then click the Format button.
Use the \<emph\>Text Format (Search)\</emph\> or the \<emph\>Text Format (Replace)\</emph\> to define your formatting search criteria. These dialogs contain the following tab pages:
Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.
Asian Language Support
These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose Languages and Locales - General in the Options dialog box, and then select the Asian box in the Default Languages for Documents area. The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents.