LibreOffice 25.2 Help
This menu contains commands to modify and manage a sheet and its elements.
Opens the Insert Cells dialog, in which you can insert new cells according to the options that you specify.
Insert rows above or below the active cell. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. If no row is selected, one row is inserted. The existing rows are moved downward.
Inserts columns to the left or to the right of the active cell. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right.
This command inserts manual row or column breaks to ensure that your data prints properly. You can insert a horizontal page break above, or a vertical page break to the left of, the active cell.
Completely deletes selected cells, columns or rows. The cells below or to the right of the deleted cells will fill the space. Note that the selected delete option is stored and reloaded when the dialog is next called.
Defines the options to be used to insert a new sheet. You can create a new sheet, or insert an existing sheet from a file.
Inserts data from an HTML, Calc, CSV or Excel file into the current sheet as a link. The data must be located within a named range.
Specifies the contents to be deleted from the active cell or from a selected cell range. If several sheets are selected, all selected sheets will be affected.
Cycles between absolute and relative addressing of cell reference in the formula.
Allows you to name the different sections of your spreadsheet document. By naming the different sections, you can easily navigate through the spreadsheet documents and find specific information.
Allows you to name the different sections of your spreadsheet document. By naming the different sections, you can easily navigate through the spreadsheet documents and find specific information.
This command opens a dialog where you can assign a different name to the current sheet.