
This menu contains commands to control the on-screen display of the document, change the user interface and access the sidebar panels.


Displays how the document will look when you print it.


Mostra o documento como se vería nun navegador web. Isto é útil cando se crean documentos en HTML.

User Interface

Opens the Select Your Preferred User Interface dialog to let you choose the user interface layout for LibreOffice.

Código fonte HTML

Displays the source text of the current HTML document. This view is available when creating a new HTML document or opening an existing one.


Abre un submenú para mostrar e ocultar barras de ferramentas. A barra de ferramentas contén iconas e opcións que permiten acceder rapidamente LibreOffice comandos.


Shows or hides the Status bar at the bottom edge of the window.


Contén un submenú para mostrar ou agochar as regras horizontal e vertical.

Scroll Bars

Show or hide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars that are used to change the viewable area of a document that doesn't fit within the window.

Grid and Help Lines

Toggle the visibility of grid points and guide lines to help object moving and precise position in the current page.

Marcas de formato

. Mostra caracteres non imprimibles dotexto, como marcas de parágrafo, quebras de liña, paradas de tabulación, eespazos

Fluxo de texto

Mostra ou oculta os limites da área imprimíbel da páxina. As liñas de límite non son impresas.

Table Boundaries

Shows or hides the borders of table cells that have no set borders. The boundaries are only visible on screen and are not printed.

Images and Charts

Show or hide graphical objects like images and charts within a document.

Show Whitespace

Displays the document with the top and bottom margins, header and footer and a gap between pages. Uncheck to collapse all the elements cited and display the document in a contiguous page stream. Hiding whitespace is only possible in Single-page view.

Show Track Changes

Shows or hides recorded changes.

Show or hide a document's comments and replies to them.

Resolved Comments

Show or hide resolved comments.


Mostra ou agocha os sombreados arredor dos campos do documento, como espazos sen quebra, guións opcionais, índices e notas a rodapé.

Nomes de campo

Alterna entre mostrar os campos como nomes de campo ou cos valores do campo. Ao estar activado móstranse os nomes dos campos e ao estar desactivado móstranse os valores dos campos. É posíbel que o contido dalgún campo non se poda mostrar.

Field Hidden Paragraphs

Mostra ou oculta os parágrafos ocultos Esta opción só afecta a visualización de pantalla dos parágrafos ocultos e non a impresión de parágrafos ocultos.

Barra lateral

The Sidebar is a vertical graphical user interface that primarily provides contextual properties, style management, document navigation, media gallery and more features.

Manage Styles

Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to apply, create, edit, and remove formatting styles. Double-click an entry to apply the style.


Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.


Mostra ou agocha a xanela do navegador, na que se pode saltar rapidamente a diferentes partes do documento.


Lista as bases de datos que están rexistrados no LibreOffice e permite que administre o contido dos bancos de datos.


Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the Full Screen button or press the Esc key.


Opens the Zoom & View Layout dialog to let you set the zoom factor to display the current document.

Precisamos da súa axuda!