Axuda do LibreOffice 25.2
Before you can insert chapter information into a header or footer, you must first set the chapter numbering options for the paragraph style that you want to use for chapter titles.
tab.In the 1.
box, selectIn the Heading 1.
box, select the paragraph style that you want to use for chapter titles, for example,Select the numbering scheme for the chapter titles in the 1,2,3....
box, for example,Type Chapter followed by a space in the box.
Enter a space in the
box.Prema en Aceptar.
Aplique o estilo de parágrafo definido aos títulos dos capítulos.
or , and then select the page style for the current page from the submenu.Prema na cabeceira ou pé de páxina.
e a seguir prema na lapela .Click Heading in the list, Heading number and contents in the list, and 1 in .
Prema Inserir e despois Pechar.
A cabeceira das páxinas que usan o estilo actual mostran automaticamente o nome e o número de capítulo.