Menú Formato

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spotlight.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spotlight - Character Direct Formatting.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spotlight - Paragraph Formatting.

From the sidebar:

Open the Styles - Paragraph deck, mark Spotlight check box.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spotlight - Character Formatting.

From the sidebar:

Open the Styles - Character deck, mark Spotlight check box.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Parágrafo - Maiúsculas capitulares.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Drop Caps tab.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Parágrafo - Fluxo de texto

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Text Flow tab.

Escolla a lapela Editar - Atopar e substituír - Formato - Fluxo de texto

Right-click a paragraph with style Body Text. Choose Paragraph - Edit Style - Condition tab.

Choose View - Styles (). Right-click any paragraph style. Choose New - Condition tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose Styles - Load Styles from Template

From the sidebar:

In the Styles window, do a long click on the Styles action icon on the top right. Choose Load Styles from Template from the submenu.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Page Style.

From the context menu:

Choose Page Style.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Layout tab, choose Page Margins or Page Size or Page Columns and click on More Options.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Page Style.

From toolbars:

Icon Page Style

Page Style

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + P

From the status bar:

Click on the Page Style area.

From the sidebar:

Choose View - Styles () - choose Page Styles - open context menu for selected style - New/Edit Style.

From the menu bar:

Choose menu Format - Title Page.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Title Page.

Choose Layout - Title Page.

From toolbars:

Icon Title Page

Title Page

Choose Format - Paragraph - Outline & List tab.

Right-click a paragraph, choose Paragraph - Paragraph - Outline & List tab.

Right-click a paragraph, choose Paragraph - Edit Style - Outline & List tab.

Choose Styles - Edit Style - Outline & List tab (Paragraph Styles).

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Outline & List tab (Paragraph Styles).

Choose Format - Sections - Options button.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Columns.

Choose Format - Title Page, select the page style, click Edit.

Choose Format - Page Style - Columns tab.

Escolla a lapela Inserir - Marco - Marco - Columnas.

Choose View - Styles - Page Styles - open context menu for selected page style - New/Edit Style - Columns tab.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades - Columnas

Choose Insert - Section - Columns tab.

Choose Format - Section - Options button - Columns tab.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Page Columns - More Options - Columns tab.

On the Layout menu and the Layout tab, choose Page Columns.

From toolbars:

Icon Page Columns

Page Columns

Choose Format - Page Style - Footnote tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Footnote tab.

Escolla a lapela Inserir - Sección - Notas ao pé de páxina/Notas ao final.

Escolla o botón Formato - Seccións - Opcións, lapela Notas a rodapé/Notas ao final

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style (for Paragraph Styles).

  1. Choose View - Styles or Styles - Manage Styles () to open Styles deck.

  2. Click on the Character Style icon at top of the deck, then select a character style.

  3. Right-click to open context menu and choose New/Edit Style.

Character Style Icon

Character Style icon

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style (for Frame Styles).

Choose View - Styles () - open context menu New/Edit Style (for List Styles).

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - While Typing.

Escolla Ferramentas - Corrección automática.

Escolla Ferramentas - Corrección automática - Aplicar.

Escolla Ferramentas - Corrección automática - Aplicar e editar cambios.

Escolla Táboa - Formato automático (co cursor nunha táboa).

Choose Format - Image - Properties - Area tab.

Na barra Imaxe (cando hai imaxes seleccionadas), prema en

Icon Graphics Properties

Propiedades de imaxes

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Image - Properties - Position and Size tab.

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties - Position and Size tab.

Choose View - Styles - Frame Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Type tab.

Choose Insert - Frame - Frame - Position and Size tab.

From the context menu:

Choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Image menu of the Image tab, choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

On the Object menu of the Object tab, choose Properties - Position and Size tab.

From the keyboard:

F4, then Position and Size tab.

From the status bar:

Click on the Selected Object Size area, Position and Size tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Wrap.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Imaxe - Propiedades - Axustar.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades - Axustar.

Escolla a lapela Inserir - Marco - Marco - Axustar .

Escolla Formato - Axustar - Editar - Axustar.

From the context menu:

Choose Wrap.

Choose Wrap - Edit - Wrap tab.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Wrap tab.

From the sidebar:

On the Properties deck, choose Wrap panel.

Escolla Formato - Axustar - Editar contorno.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Imaxe - Propiedades - Hiperligazón.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades - Hiperligazón.

Escolla a lapela Inserir - Marco - Marco - Hiperligazón.

Escolla a laplea Formato - Imaxe - Propiedades - Opcións.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades - Opcións.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu for selected Frame style - New/Edit Style - Options tab.

Escolla a lapela Inserir - Marco - Marco - Opcións.

Right-click selected object, choose Properties - Options tab.

Escolla a lapelaFormato - Imaxe - Propiedades - Imaxe.

Escolla a lapela Inserir/Formato - Imaxe - Propiedades - Macro.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades - Macro.

Escolla Editar - Texto automático - Texto automático (botón) - Macro.

Choose Tools - ImageMap - open context menu Macro.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Carácter - Hiperligazón - botón Eventos.

Escolla a lapela Táboa - Propiedades - Táboa.

Escolla a lapela Táboa - Propiedades - Columnas.

Escolla a lapelaTáboa - Propiedades - Fluxo de texto.

Prema co botón dereito do rato nunha táboa e escolla Cela.

Escolla Táboa - Combinar celas.

Na barra Táboa, prema en

Icon Merge Cells

Combinar celas

Escolla Táboa - Dividir celas.

Na barra Táboa, prema en

Icon Unmerge Cells

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Protect Cells.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Protect Cells.

From toolbars:

Icon Protect Cells

Protect Cells

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Unprotect Cells.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Unprotect Cells.

Icon Unprotect Cells

Unprotect Cells

No menú de contexto dunha cela, escolla Fila.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Size - Row Height.

From the context menu:

Choose Size - Row Height.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Row Height.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Size - Column Width.

From the context menu:

Choose Size - Column Width.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Column Width.

From toolbars:

Icon Delete Rows

Delete Rows

No menú de contexto dunha cela, escolla Columna.

No menú de contexto dunha cela, escolla Columna - Largura.

From the menu bar:

Escolla Táboa - Inserir - Columnas.

Escolla Táboa - Inserir - Filas.

From the context menu:

Choose Insert - Rows.

Choose Insert - Columns.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Insert Rows.

On the Table menu of the Table tab, choose Insert Columns.

From toolbars:

Icon Delete Column

Eliminar columna

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Select - Cell.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Table - Select Cell.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Cell

Select Cell

From the sidebar:

Choose Properties - Table - Cell.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Select - Column.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Table - Column.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Column

Select Column

From the sidebar:

Choose Properties - Table - Column.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Select - Row.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Table - Row.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Row

Select Row

From the sidebar:

Choose Properties - Table - Row.

From the menu bar:

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Table - Select Table.

From toolbars:

Icon Select Table

Select Table

Escolla Formato - Marco e obxecto - Propiedades.

Icon Object Properties

Propiedades de obxecto

Icon Frame Properties

Propiedades de marco

Menu Format - Page Style - tab Text Grid, if Asian language support is enabled

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Delete - Table.

From toolbars:

Icon Delete Table

Delete Table

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Delete.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Select.

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Size.

From the context menu:

Choose Size.

From toolbars:

Icon Table Size

Table Size

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