Axuda do LibreOffice 25.2
A barra de ferramentas contén as funcións usadas con frecuencia.
Increases the display scale of the formula by 25%. The current zoom factor is displayed on the status bar. A selection of available zoom options is accessible through the context menu. The context menu in the work area also contains zoom commands.
Decreases the display scale of formulas by 25%. The current zoom factor is displayed on the status bar. A selection of available zoom options is accessible through the context menu. The context menu in the work area also contains zoom commands.
Displays the entire formula in the maximum size possible so that all elements are included. The formula is reduced or enlarged so that all formula elements can be displayed in the work area. The current zoom factor is displayed on the status bar. A selection of available zoom options is accessible through the context menu. The context menu in the work area also contains zoom commands. The zoom commands and icons are only available in Math documents, not for embedded Math objects.
Resizes the display to include all of the objects on the slidepage.
Esta orde actualiza a fórmula na xanela de documento.
Os cambios efectuados na xanela Ordes actualízanse automaticamente se a opción Actualizar automaticamente visualización está activada.
Use esta icona da barra de Ferramentas para activar ou desactivar o cursor de fórmula. A parte da fórmula na que se posiciona o cursor na xanela Comandos aparece marcada cun bordo fino cando o cursor de fórmula está activo.