Axuda do LibreOffice 25.2
Defines the special effect that plays when you display a slide during a slide show.
To apply the same transition effect to more than one slide, switch to the Slide Sorter, select the slides, and then choose Slide - Slide Transition.
Select the slide transition you want to use for the selected slides.
Select a variation of the transition. This list is only available for certain transitions.
Sets the duration of the slide transition.
Lists sounds that can played during the slide transition.
Seleccione esta opción para reproducir o son repetidamente ata o comezo do seguinte.
Especifica como obter a seguinte diapositiva.
Seleccione esta opción para avanzar ata a seguinte diapositiva premendo no rato.
Select to advance to the next slide after a number of seconds. Enter the seconds in the numerical field next to the spin button, or click the spin button.
Aplica a transición de diapositivas seleccionada a todas as diapositivas do documento de presentación actual.
Mostra a transición de diapositivas actual como unha previsualización.
Seleccione esta opción para ver as transicións de diapositivas de forma automática no documento.