Axuda do LibreOffice 25.2
LibreOffice almacena os documentos en formato XML. Pode crear filtros personalizados que convertan a outro formato o formato de ficheiro XML nativo de OpenDocument usado por LibreOffice. Estes filtros poden integrarse facilmente en LibreOffice para que poda gardalos ou cargalos de modo transparente.
Para crear filtros XML necesita coñecer moi ben conceptos XML e XSLT, que están fóra do ámbito desta axuda.
Os ficheiros XML conteñen follas de estilo creadas en linguaxe XSLT. Estas follas definen a transformación do formato de ficheiro de OpenDocument a outro formato XML a través de filtros de exportación e importación. Existen tres tipos de filtros XML:
Import Filters - load external XML files and transform the format of the files into the OpenDocument XML file format. After you install an import filter, the name of the filter is added to the list of file types in the File Open dialog.
Export Filters - transform OpenDocument XML files and save the files to a different XML format. After you install an export filter, the name of the filter is added to the list of file types in the Export dialog.
Import/Export Filters - load and save OpenDocument XML files into a different XML format. After you install these filters, the names of the filters are added to the list of file types in the File Open dialog and the File Save As dialog.