
Select a gradient, modify the properties of a gradient, or save a new gradient.

Para acceder a esta orde...

Choose Format - Area - Gradients tab.


Lists the available gradients. You can also modify or create your own gradients.


Engade un gradiente personalizado á lista actual. Especifique as propiedades do seu gradiente e prema neste botón


Aplica as propiedades do gradiente actuais ao gradiente seleccionado. Se quere, pode gardar o gradiente cun nome diferente.


To rename a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Rename. To delete a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Delete.


Use the options to define or modify a gradient.


Seleccione o gradiente que quere aplicar.

Centrar X

Enter the horizontal offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current horizontal location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

Centrar Y

Enter the vertical offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current vertical location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.


Introduza un ángulo de rotación ao gradiente seleccionado.

Transition start

Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the area of the endpoint color on the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

From Color

Seleccione unha cor para o punto de inicio do gradiente.

Enter the intensity for the color in the From Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.

To Color

Seleccione unha cor para o punto final do gradiente.

Enter the intensity for the color in the To Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.


Elimina os elementos seleccionados despois da confirmación.


Mostra unha previsualización da selección actual.

Precisamos da súa axuda!