Filtering Cell Ranges

Pode empregar varios filtros para filtrar intervalos de celas nas follas de cálculo. Un filtro estándar emprega as opcións indicadas para filtrar os datos. Un filtro automático filtra os datos seguindo un valor ou cadea determinados. Un filtro avanzado emprega criterios de filtro a partir das celas que se indique.

To Apply a Standard Filter to a Cell Range

  1. Click in a cell range.

  2. Choose Data - More Filters - Standard Filter.

  3. In the Standard Filter dialog, specify the filter options that you want.

  4. Prema en Aceptar.

    The records that match the filter options that you specified are shown.

To Apply an AutoFilter to a Cell Range

  1. Click in a cell range or a database range.

    Icona Suxestión

    If you want to apply multiple AutoFilters to the same sheet, you must first define database ranges, then apply the AutoFilters to the database ranges.

  2. Choose Data - AutoFilter.

    An arrow button is added to the head of each column in the database range.

  3. Click the arrow button in the column that contains the value or string that you want to set as the filter criteria.

  4. Select the value or string that you want to use as the filter criteria.

    The records that match the filter criteria that you selected are shown.

To Remove a Filter From a Cell Range

  1. Click in a filtered cell range.

  2. Choose Data - Filter - Reset Filter.

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