Returns the arithmetic mean of all cells in a range that satisfy given multiple criteria. The AVERAGEIFS function sums up all the results that match the logical tests and divides this sum by the quantity of selected values.


Esta función está dispoñíbel desde a versión 4.0 do LibreOffice.


AVERAGEIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ; [Range127; Criterion127]])

Func_range – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the mean.

Range1 – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range, or a label of a column or a row, to which the corresponding criterion is to be applied.

Criterion: A criterion is a single cell Reference, Number or Text. It is used in comparisons with cell contents.

A reference to an empty cell is interpreted as the numeric value 0.

A matching expression can be:

Range2 – Optional. Range2 and all the following mean the same as Range1.

Criterion2 – Optional. Criterion2 and all the following mean the same as Criterion.

The search supports wildcards or regular expressions. With regular expressions enabled, you can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must either precede every regular expression metacharacter or operator with a "\" character, or enclose the text into \Q...\E. You can switch the automatic evaluation of wildcards or regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


Ao empregar funcións nas que un ou máis argumentos sexan criterios de busca que representen unha expresión regular, téntase primeiro converter os criterios da cadea en números. Por exemplo, «.0» convértese en 0.0, etc. Se resulta ben, a busca non será unha coincidencia de expresión regular senón unha coincidencia numérica. Porén, ao traballar cunha configuración rexional na que o separador decimal non sexa o punto, como en galego, o punto fai que funcione a conversión a expresión regular. Para obrigar a que a avaliación sexa dunha expresión regular no canto dunha expresión numérica hai que empregar algunha expresión que non se poda confundir cunha numérica, como «.[0]», «.\0» ou «(?i).0».

Func_Range and Range1, Range2... must have the same size, otherwise the function returns err:502 - Invalid argument.


The logical relation between criteria can be defined as logical AND (conjunction). In other words, if and only if all given criteria are met, a value from the corresponding cell of the given Func_Range is taken into calculation.

The function can have up to 255 arguments, meaning that you can specify 127 criteria ranges and criteria for them.

If a cell contains TRUE, it is treated as 1, if a cell contains FALSE – as 0 (zero).


This function is part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) standard Version 1.2. (ISO/IEC 26300:2-2015)


Consider the following table





Product Name
























In all examples below, ranges for calculation contain the row #6, which is ignored because it contains text.

Uso simple

COVAR(A1:A3; B1:B30)

Calculates the average for values of the range B2:B6 that are greater than or equal to 20. Returns 25, because the fifth row does not meet the criterion.

COVAR(A1:A3; B1:B30)

Calculates the average for values of the range C2:C6 that are greater than 70 and correspond to cells of B2:B6 with values greater than or equal to 20. Returns 137.5, because the second and fifth rows do not meet at least one criterion.

Using regular expressions and nested functions


Calculates the average for values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all values of the range B2:B6 except its minimum and maximum. Returns 127.5, because the third and fifth rows do not meet at least one criterion.


Calculates the average for values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all cells of the A2:A6 range starting with "pen" and to all cells of the B2:B6 range except its maximum. Returns 65, because only second row meets all criteria.

Reference to a cell as a criterion

If you need to change a criterion easily, you may want to specify it in a separate cell and use a reference to this cell in the condition of AVERAGEIFS function. For example, the above function can be rewritten as follows:


If E2 = pen, the function returns 65, because the link to the cell is substituted with its content.

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