Menú Formato

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Sparklines.

From the context menu:

In a cell with sparklines, choose Sparklines.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose Sparklines.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Spreadsheet Themes.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Spreadsheet Themes.

From toolbars:

Icon Themes

Choose Themes

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format panel of the Properties deck.

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Celas.

From the context menu:

Choose Format Cells.

From the keyboard:

Prema +1.

Escolla a lapela Formato - Celas - Protección de celas.

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Filas.

Escolla Formato - Filas - Altura ideal.

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Filas - Agochar.

Escolla Formato - Columnas - Agochar.

From the context menu:

Click on the rows headers to select, choose Hide Rows.

Click on the columns headers to select, choose Hide Columns.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Rows - Hide Rows.

Choose Home - Columns - Hide Columns.

Choose Layout - Rows - Hide Rows.

Choose Layout - Columns - Hide Columns.

From toolbars:

Icon Hide Rows

Hide Rows

Icon Hide Columns

Hide Columns

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Filas - Mostrar.

Escolla Formato - Columnas - Mostrar.

From the context menu:

Click on the rows headers to select, choose Show Rows.

Click on the columns headers to select, choose Show Columns.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Rows - Show Rows.

Choose Home - Columns - Show Columns.

Choose Layout - Rows - Show Rows.

Choose Layout - Columns - Show Columns.

From toolbars:

Icon Show Rows

Show Rows

Icon Show Columns

Show Columns

Escolla Formato - Columnas.

Escolla Formato - Columnas - Largura ideal.

Prema dúas veces no separador de columnas das cabeceiras de columna.

Escolla Folla.

Escolla Formato - Estilo de páxina.

Escolla a lapela a Formato - Estilo de páxina - Folla.

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Intervalos de impresión.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges.

From toolbars:

Icon Print Ranges

Print Ranges

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Intervalos de impresión - Definir.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Print Area tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges - Define

From toolbars:

Icon Define Print Area

Define Print Area

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Intervalos de impresión - Engadir.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Add Print Ranges tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges - Add.

From toolbars:

Icon Add Print Area

Add Print Area

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Intervalos de impresión - Limpar.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Clear Print Ranges tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges - Clear.

From toolbars:

Icon Clear Print Ranges

Clear Print Ranges

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Intervalos de impresión - Editar.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Edit tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges - Edit.

From toolbars:

Icon Edit Print Ranges

Edit Print Ranges

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Condición.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Condition.

From toolbars:

Icona de formato condicional - Condición

Formato condicional

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Escala de cores

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Color Scale.

From toolbars:

Icona Escala de cores

Escala de cores

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Barra de datos

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Data Bar.

From toolbars:

Icona Barra de datos

Barra de datos

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Conxunto de iconas

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Icon Set.

From toolbars:

Icona Conxunto de iconas

Conxunto de iconas

From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Data

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Date.

From toolbars:

Icona Data


From the menu bar:

Escolla Formato - Condicional - Xestionar

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Conditional - Manage.

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