Función LBound

Devolve o límite inferior dunha matriz.


LBound (NomeMatriz [, Dimensión])

Valor de retorno:



ArrayName: Name of the array for which you want to return the upper (Ubound) or the lower (LBound) boundary of the array dimension.

[Dimension]: Integer that specifies which dimension to return the upper (Ubound) or the lower (LBound) boundary for. If a value is not specified, the first dimension is assumed.

Códigos de erro

5 Chamada de procedemento incorrecta

9 O índice está fóra do intervalo definido


Sub VectorBounds
    Dim v(10 To 20) As String
    Print LBound(v()) ' returns 10
    Print UBound(v) ' returns 20
End Sub ' VectorBounds
Sub TableBounds
    Dim t(10 To 20,-5 To 70) As Currency
    Print LBound(t), UBound(t()) ' returns 10  20
    Print LBound(t(),2) ' returns - 5
    Print UBound(t,2) ' returns 70
End Sub ' TableBounds

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