LibreOffice 25.2:n ohje
Customize the appearance of the caption label. You can choose to add a heading number to the caption number, add a character style to the caption category and number, and choose the order of the caption category and caption number.
Select ordering of caption category and caption number.
Specifies the character style of the caption category and caption number.
Käytetään reunaa ja varjoa kuvatekstin objektin kehykseen.
If heading numbers are enabled, then use this option to prepend a heading number to the caption number. Use
to enable heading numbering.For typical use of headings, the selected number will indicate how many levels of heading number (starting from level 1) are displayed. If [None] is selected, no heading number is displayed.
Enter the character to display between the heading number and the caption number.
Changes to
or are also applied to any existing captions.