LibreOffice 25.2:n ohje
Ohjevalikosta otetaan LibreOffice-ohjetoiminto käyttöön.
Avataan aktiiviselle sovellukselle LibreOffice-ohjeiden pääsivu. Käyttäjä voi selata ohjesivuja, etsiä termiä hakemistosta tai hakea vapaavalintaista tekstiä.
LibreOfficen ohje
Opens the documentation page in the web browser, where users can download, read or purchase LibreOffice user guides, written by the community.
Opens the community support page in the web browser. Use this page to ask questions on using LibreOffice. For professional support with service level agreement, refer to the page of professional LibreOffice support.
Avataan nettiselaimeen palautelomake, jolla käyttäjät voivat raportoida ohjelmistovirheistä.
Opens the community Get Involved page in the web browser. The page describe areas of interest where you can collaborate with the LibreOffice community.
LibreOffice is Free Software and is made available free of charge.
Your donation, which is purely optional, supports our worldwide community.
If you like the software, please consider a donation.
Displays the Licensing and Legal information dialog.
Displays the CREDITS.odt document which lists the names of individuals who have contributed to source code (and whose contributions were imported into LibreOffice) or LibreOffice since 2010-09-28.
Enable an Internet connection for LibreOffice. If you need a Proxy, check the LibreOffice Proxy settings in - Internet. Then choose Check for Updates to check for the availability of a newer version of your office suite.
Valikkokomennolla esitetään yleistä tietoa ohjelmasta, kuten versionumero ja tekijänoikeudet.