LibreOffice 25.2:n ohje
Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.
To modify the font of the current paragraph, select the entire paragraph, choose Format - Character, and then click on the Font tab.
The paragraph style for the current paragraph is displayed at the Formatting toolbar, and is highlighted in the Styles window.
Adds or removes outline level, list style, and line numbering from the paragraph or paragraph style. You can also restart or modify the start number for numbered lists and line numbering.
Muotoillaan kappaleen ensimmäinen kirjain suurikokoiseksi kirjaimeksi, joka voi ulottua useammalle riville. Kappaleen tulee ulottua vähintään yhtä monelle riville kuin Rivit-ruudussa määritetään.
Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose Languages and Locales - General in the Options dialog box, and then select the Asian box in the Default Languages for Documents area. The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents.
Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose Languages and Locales - General in the Options dialog box, and then select the Asian box in the Default Languages for Documents area. The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents.
Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.