Select fields from the provided sample tables as a starting point to create your own table.
Select the business category to see only business sample tables.
Select the private category to see only private sample tables.
Sample tables
Select one of the sample tables. Then select fields from that table from the left list box. Repeat this step until you have selected all the fields that you need.
Mahdolliset kentät
Lists the names of the data base fields in the selected table or query. Click to select a field or hold down the Shift or the CommandCtrl key while you click to select more than one field.
Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.
Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.
Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.
Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.
Napsautus siirtää valitun kentän yhden rivin ylöspäin luettelossa.
Napsautus siirtää valitun kentän yhden rivin alaspäin luettelossa.
Selected Fields
Displays all fields that will be included in the new table.