LibreOffice 24.8:n ohje
Opens the Sparklines Properties dialog to define sparkline settings.
Pienoiskaaviot (engl. sparklines) ovat pieniä tietokaavioita, jotka näytetään solun sisällä.
Sparklines are defined for one cell, but multiple sparklines can be joined together into a group. The group shares the same properties for rendering the sparkline. The unique data that is defined only for one sparkline is the data range, that a sparkline will use for rendering.
Input range: enter the cell range of the data. Use the shrink button to select the data range with the mouse.
Output range: select the cell range to receive the sparkline. Use the shrink button to select the cell range with the mouse.
Type: select the sparkline type in the drop-down list. Choices are:
Line: draws a line between data values.
Column: draws a bar for each data value.
Stacked: also known as win/loss. Displays equally sized bars indicating positive and negative values.
Line thickness: enter the line thickness number manually or use the spin button.
Display empty cells as: choices are available in the drop-down list:
Gap: the missing data is not displayed. The line type discontinues in the gap and the column is not displayed.
Zero: the missing data is displayed as value zero.
Span: for line type only, draws a continuous line connecting the previous value to the next value.
Display hidden: check to show all columns or stacks in the range even when the data is in hidden cells. If unchecked, the hidden data is ignored.
Right-to-left: check to have the sparklines show the data in reverse order.
Series: select the main color for the sparklines.
Negative points: check and select the color for negative points.
High points: check and select the color for high points.
Low points: check and select the color for low points.
Marker: check and select the color for data points (line type only).
First point: check and select the color for first point.
Last point: check and select the color for last point.
Display X axis: check to show the X axis for sparklines.
Vertical minimum, Vertical maximum: check to set the minimum (maximum) value for the Y axis. Select one of following:
Individual: sets automatically the minimum (maximum) value for each sparkline based on the sparkline data range values.
Group: sets the minimum (maximum) value based on the lower and higher values found in the group of sparklines.
Custom: enter the minimum (maximum) value for the sparkline group. Enter the minimum (maximum) values or use the spin buttons.