LibreOffice 25.2:n ohje
Opens a dialog where you can define the appearance of all pages in your document.
Choose Format - Page Style.
Choose Page Style.
On the Layout tab, choose Page Margins or Page Size or Page Columns and click on More Options.
On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Page Style.
Page Style
OptionAlt + Shift + P
Click on the Page Style area.
Choose View - Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Page Styles - open context menu for selected style - New/Edit Style.
Määritetään yksi tai monisivuisten asiakirjojen sivun taitto sekä sivunumeroinnin muoto ja arkkikoko.
Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.
Adds a header to the current page style. A header is an area in the top page margin, where you can add text or graphics.
Adds a footer to the current page style. A footer is an area in the bottom page margin, where you can add text or graphics.
Specifies the elements to be included in the printout of all sheets with the current Page Style. Additionally, you can set the print order, the first page number, and the page scale.