Poista sisältö

Inserts columns to the left or to the right of the active cell. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right.

Toiminnon käyttäminen:


Choose Sheet - Insert Columns.

Välilehdellisestä käyttöliittymästä:

Choose Home - Column.

Choose Layout - Column.


Icon Insert Column

Insert Columns

Columns Before

Insert a column before the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right

Columns After

Inserts a column after the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right

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