Navigate By

The Navigate By selection box allows choosing a category to navigate the document by, including pages, headings, sections, objects, fields, comments, latest search results and recency of cursor position. You can then use the Previous and Next arrow icons to position the text cursor in the document on the previous or next target.

Komando hau erabiltzeko...


Aukeratu Ikusi - Nabigatzailea.


Icon Navigator On/Off

Aktibatu/desaktibatu nabigatzailea



Working With Navigate By

By default, as long as you have not selected any other category, the Page category is selected, and the arrows are replaced by a number field that can be used to go to the previous or the next page, or jump to a specific one.

Once you select another category, you can use the "Previous" or "Next" arrow buttons. The labels of these buttons indicate the type of object you have selected. The text cursor is then placed on whichever object you have selected.


Idatzi zein orrialde-zenbakira joan nahi den, eta sakatu ⏎ tekla.


Dokumentuko aurreko elementura jauzi egiten du. Zein elementu motatara egingo den jauzi zehazteko, egin klik Nabigatu zerrendan eta, ondoren, egin klik kategoria batean, adibidez "Irudiak" kategorian.

Aurreko objektua ikonoa

Aurreko elementua


Dokumentuko hurrengo elementura jauzi egiten du. Zein elementu motatara egingo den jauzi zehazteko, egin klik Nabigatu zerrendan eta, ondoren, egin klik kategoria batean, adibidez "Irudiak" kategorian.

Hurrengo objektua ikonoa

Hurrengo elementua


You can configure LibreOffice according to your specific preferences for navigating within a document. To do this, choose Tools - Customize. The various tables for adapting menus, keyboard input or toolbars contain various functions for navigation within the document under the "Navigate" category. For example, you can add buttons to a toolbar to jump to the index tags in the document with the "Go to Next/Previous Index Entry" commands.

The available categories largely correspond to those in the Navigator selection box. However, you can select other jump destinations that are not classic Navigator categories: for example, Reminders, Repeat Search or Recency.

Select from one of the following options: Bookmarks, Comments, Controls, Drawing objects, Fields by type, Fields, Footnotes, Frames, Headings, Images, Indexes, OLE objects, Page, Recency, Reminder, Repeat search, Sections, Selection, Table formula, Tables, Wrong table formula.


Select the Footnotes category to jump between footnotes and endnotes. This can be used in conjunction with the Anchor ↔ Text button in the Navigator, to quickly jump between the text of the footnote/endnote and its anchor in the body.


When selecting the Recency category, the Go back and Go forward buttons can be used to jump to recent cursor positions in the document.


Up to 5 Reminders (which are not saved when the document is closed) can be set at various locations in the document. Set a reminder with the Set Reminders button in the Navigator.


Abisuen arteko nabigazioa haiek ezarri diren ordenaren araberakoa da. Abisuak ez dira gordetzen dokumentua ixten denean.

Errepikatu bilaketa

With the Repeat search category, you can repeat a search you started with the Search and Replace dialog or the Find toolbar. If you now click one of the arrows, the search will be resumed for the term last searched.


If a multiple selection is active (for example when using Ctrl + click and drag or the Adding selection mode, or after a Find All search), Selection allows jumping from one to the other.

Table Formulas

For table formulas, you can either jump to all table formulas located within your document with Table formula or only to the incorrect ones with Wrong table formula. For incorrect formulas, you jump only to formulas that have resulted in errors. The program skips over formulas with resulting errors (those that reference incorrect formulas).

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