
Opens a submenu where you can choose text spacing commands.

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Aukeratu Formatua - Tartea.

Line Spacing: 1

Uneko paragrafoan lerroarte bakuna ezartzen du. Hori da ezarpen lehenetsia.

Line Spacing: 1.15

Sets the line spacing of the current paragraph to 1.15 lines.

Line Spacing: 1.5

Uneko paragrafoaren lerroartean lerro bat eta erdiko tartea ezartzen du.

Line Spacing: 2

Lerroarte bikoitza ezartzen du uneko paragrafoan.

Increase Paragraph Spacing

Increases the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.

Decrease Paragraph Spacing

Decreases the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.

Handitu koska

Increases the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the next default tab position.

Txikitu koska

Reduces the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the previous default tab position.

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