LibreOffice 24.8 laguntza
Opens a submenu where you can choose commands to create and work on lists.
Zenbakitzea edo buletak eta zerrenda-koskak kentzen ditu uneko paragrafotik edo hautatutako paragrafoetatik.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, down one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, down one list level.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, up one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, up one list level.
Demotes the list of a list paragraph where the cursor is located and its subpoints to the next list level.
Promotes the list level of a list paragraph where the cursor is located and its subpoints to the next list level.
Paragrafoa kurtsorea kokatuta dagoen tokira eramaten du, edo paragrafoak hautatuta badaude, hurrengo paragrafoaren ondora.
Paragrafoa kurtsorea kokatuta dagoen lekura eramaten du, edo hautatutako paragrafoak aurreko paragrafoaren aurrera.
Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located and its subpoints to after the following list paragraph with the same list level.
Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located and its subpoints to before the previous list paragraph with the same list level.
Zenbakitzerik gabeko paragrafoa txertatzen du. Horrek ez dio eragingo lehendik dagoen zenbakitzeari.
Zerrendaren zenbakitzea 1 zenbakian hasten du. Komando hau aktibo izateko, kurtsoreak zerrenda baten barruan egon behar du.