Ezarri paragrafo-estiloa

Estilo bat esleitzen dio uneko paragrafoari, hautatutako paragrafoari edo hautatutako objektuari.

To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select Clear formatting. Select More Styles to open the Styles deck in the sidebar.

Estilo-izen baten eskuineko Beherako gezia botoian klik egitean, uneko hautapenaren estilotik abiatuta estiloa eguneratzea edo hura editatzea ahalbidetzen duen laster-menu bat agertuko da.


For a blank document, the dropdown displays a default selection of styles that users might want to start with. As the document is edited and makes use of styles, the default list is progressively replaced by applied styles (which is equivalent to what the "Applied Styles" filter shows in the sidebar's Styles deck).

Ezarri paragrafo-estiloa

Ezarri paragrafo-estiloa

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