Python kontsola interaktiboa exekutatzea

Pythonen kontsola interaktiboak (Python interpretatzailea edo Python shell-a ere deitua) komandoak exekutatzeko eta kodea probatzeko modu azkarra eskaintzen die programatzaileei, fitxategi bat sortu beharrik gabe. UNO objektuen barne-behaketaren eta LibreOffice Python moduluen dokumentazioa terminalean eskuratu daiteke.


From a full-featured LibreOffice installed package, a Basic or Python script locates the embedded copy of Python console.

Basic makroak erabiltzea

This routine resorts to Platform class module in order to distinguish the actual operating system.

        Sub interpreter_console
            Set opsys = New Platform
            ps = CreateUnoService("")
            install_path = ConvertFromURL(ps.Module)
            If opsys.isMacOSX Then
                cmd = "/System/Applications/Utilities/ "
                pgm_path = Array( install_path,"..","Resources","python" )
            ElseIf opsys.isLinux Then
                cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -e "
                pgm_path = Array(install_path,"python")
            ElseIf opsys.isWindows Then
                cmd = ""
                pgm_path = Array("python")
            python_interpreter = Join( pgm_path, GetPathSeparator() )
            Shell(cmd + python_interpreter)
        End Sub

Python makroak erabiltzea

        # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
        from __future__ import unicode_literals
        import uno, os, subprocess
        def interpreter_console():
            ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
            smgr = ctx.getServiceManager()
            ps = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("", ctx)
            install_path = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(ps.Module)
            pgm = install_path + os.sep + "python"  # Python shell/console path
            subprocess.Popen(pgm)  # Start Python interactive Shell

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Python kontsola interaktiboa

Ordezko kontsola

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