
Vormindusriba sisaldab teksti vormindamiseks vajalikke funktsioone.


Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.

Icon Styles


Set Paragraph Style

Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.

MÀÀra lÔigustiil

MÀÀra lÔigustiil

Font Name

VÔimaldab valida fondi nime loendist vÔi sisestada nime otse tekstivÀljale.

Sisestada vÔib mitu semikoolonitega eraldatud fondi nime. LibreOffice kasutab neid vastavalt jÀrjekorrale, kui eelnevaid fonte pole saadaval.


Fondi nimi

Fondi suurus

VÔimaldab mÀÀrata fontidele erinevaid suurusi nii loendist kui ka kÀsitsi sisestades.


Muudab valitud teksti kirja paksuks. Kui kursor on sÔnas, muudetakse kogu sÔna kiri paksuks. Kui valitud tekst vÔi sÔna on juba paksu kirjaga, siis muudetakse kiri tavaliseks.

Icon Bold

Paks kiri


Muudab valitud teksti kaldkirjaks. Kui kursor asub sÔnas, muudetakse terve sÔna kaldkirjaks. Kui valik vÔi sÔna on juba kaldkirjas, siis vormindus kaldkirjana eemaldatakse.

Kui kursor ei asu sÔnas ja teksti pole valitud, siis rakendatakse fondi stiili edaspidi sisestatavale tekstile.

Icon Italic



Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text.

Icon Underline



Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the container left margin.

Icon Align Left

Joonda vasakule


Centers the selected paragraph(s) on the surrounding container.

Icon Centered


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the container right margin.

Icon Align Right

Joonda paremale


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the left and the right container margins. If you want, you can also specify the alignment options for the last line of a paragraph by choosing Format - Paragraph - Alignment.

Icon Justified

Joonda rööpselt

Ordered List

Adds or removes numbering from the selected paragraphs.

Icon Ordered List

LĂŒlita nummerdatud loendit

Unordered List

Lisab valitud lÔikudele vÔi eemaldab neilt liigendustÀpid.

Icon Unordered List

Toggle Unordered List

No List

Removes numbering or bullets and list indenting for the current paragraph or selected paragraphs.

Icon No List

VĂ€lja lĂŒlitatud

Decrease Indent

Reduces the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the previous default tab position.

Icon Decrease Indent

Decrease Indent

Increase Indent

Increases the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the next default tab position.

Icon Increase Indent

Increase Indent

Font Color

Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.

Icon Font Color

Fondi vÀrv


Applies current highlighting color to the text selection.

Character Highlighting Color Icon

Character Highlighting Color icon


KlÔps avab tööriistariba, millelt saab valida lÔigu taustavÀrvi. TaustavÀrv mÀÀratakse valitud lÔikudele vÔi lÔigule, kus asub kursor.

Icon Background color



Suurenda fonti

Suurendab valitud teksti fondi suurust.

VĂ€henda fonti

VĂ€hendab valitud teksti fondi suurust.

Kui CTL-i toetus on sisse lĂŒlitatud, on nĂ€ha kaks lisaikooni.

Left to Right

The text is entered from left to right.

left to right icon

Vasakult paremale

Right to Left

The text formatted in a complex text layout language is entered from right to left.

right to left icon

Paremalt vasakule

Palun toeta meid!