Kirjakooste nÔustaja

Starts the Mail Merge Wizard to create form letters or send email messages to many recipients.

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Vali Tööriistad - Kirjakooste nÔustaja

KlÔpsa kirjakooste riba ikoonil Kirjakooste:

KlÔpsa tabeliandmete riba ikoonil Kirjakooste:



Before starting the Mail Merge Wizard you might want to review the whole process of creating a mail merge:

TĂŒĂŒpkirja loomine

Mail Merge Wizard - Select starting document

Specify the document that you want to use as a base for the mail merge document.

Mail Merge Wizard - Select document type

Specify the type of mail merge document to create.

Kirjakooste nÔustaja - aadressid

Specify the recipients for the mail merge document as well as the layout of the address block.

Mail Merge Wizard - Create salutation

Specify the properties for the salutation. If the mail merge database contains gender information, you can specify different salutations based on the gender of the recipient.

Mail Merge Wizard - Adjust layout

Specify the position of the address blocks and salutations on the documents.


KlĂ”ps nupul Loobu sulgeb dialoogi, salvestamata ĂŒhtegi tehtud muudatust.


NÀitab dialoogi lÀbimise eelmisel sammul tehtud valikuid. Aktiivseid sÀtteid ei muudeta. See nupp on aktiivne alates dialoogi teisest lehest.


Click the Next button, and the wizard uses the current dialog settings and proceeds to the next step. If you are on the last step, this button becomes Create.

First step: Mail Merge Wizard - Select starting document.

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