
Kirjelda siin tingimuslike stiilide tingimusi.

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Right-click a paragraph with style Body Text. Choose Paragraph - Edit Style - Condition tab.

Choose View - Styles (). Right-click any paragraph style. Choose New - Condition tab.

Tingimuslikud stiilid on lÔigustiilid, mille omadused vÔivad kontekstist sÔltuvalt erineda. PÀrast kirjeldamist pole vÔimalik tingimusliku stiili tingimuslikke omadusi vÔimalik muuta.

LibreOffice applies the paragraph properties of conditional styles as follows (the bold terms correspond to the titles of dialog fields): If a paragraph formatted with a conditional style is in a Context that has an Applied Style linked to it, then the Paragraph Style from that condition is used. If no style is linked to the Context, then the attributes defined in the conditional style apply. The following example illustrates this relationship:

  1. Open a blank text document and write a short business letter with a header (Format - Page Style - Header).

  2. Define a new Paragraph Style by choosing New in the Styles window, and selecting all the paragraph properties that you want for your business letter in the Paragraph Style dialog. Name this style "Business letter".

  3. Then click the Condition tab and select the Conditional style field to define the new Paragraph Style as a conditional style.

  4. In Context, select the header entry and under Paragraph Styles select the style for the header in your business letter; for example, the default Paragraph Style "Header". You also can select your own style.

  5. Kontekstile lÔigustiili rakendamiseks otsi loendivÀljalt LÔigustiilid soovitud stiil ja tee sellel topeltklÔps vÔi kasuta nuppu Rakenda.

  6. Click OK to close the Paragraph Style dialog, and then format all paragraphs in your business letter, including the header, with the new "Business letter" conditional Paragraph Style. (When you click in the header, you may need to display All Styles or Custom Styles in the style list to use the new business letter style.)

The header text now has the attributes you specified in the Header Paragraph Style, while the other parts of the document have the attributes defined in the business letter conditional Paragraph Style.


The Body Text style was created as a conditional style. Therefore, any styles you derive from it can be used as conditional styles.

The Paragraph Style applied to the context is used when exporting to other formats (RTF, HTML, and so on).

Tingimuslik stiil

MÀrgista see mÀrkeruut, kui soovid kirjeldada uut stiili tingimusliku stiilina.


Here you can see the LibreOffice predefined contexts, including outline levels 1 to 10, list levels 1 to 10, table header, table contents, section, border, footnote, header and footer.

Rakendatud stiilid

Siin nÀed sa kontekstile rakendatud lÔigustiile.


LoendivÀljal on loend kÔikidest lÔigustiilidest, mille saab kontekstile mÀÀrata.

Style Groups

These are the style groups that you can display in the Styles window.




Displays styles appropriate to the current context.

All Styles

Displays all styles of the active style category.

Hidden Styles

Display styles that have been hidden in the Styles window.

Applied Styles

Displays the styles (of selected category) applied in the current document.

Custom Styles

Displays all user-defined styles in the selected style category.

Text Styles

Displays formatting styles for text.

Document Structure

Displays formatting styles for structuring documents.

List Styles

Displays formatting styles for ordered or unordered lists.

Index Styles

Displays formatting styles for indexes.

Special Styles

Displays formatting styles for headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, tables, and captions.

HTML Styles

Displays a list of styles for HTML documents.

Conditional Styles

Displays the user-defined conditional styles.


Displays the styles in the selected category in a hierarchical list. To view the styles in a sublevel, click on the plus sign (+) next to the sublevel name.


KlÔpsa valitud stiilile omistatud konteksti eemaldamiseks.


Click Apply to apply the selected Paragraph Style to the defined context.


LÀhtestab aktiivsel kaardil tehtud muudatused, asendades need vÀÀrtustega, mis kehtisid dialoogi avamisel.

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