
Opens a dialog where you can modify the properties of the selected object, for example, its size and name.

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Vali Vormindus - Paneel/objekt - Omadused

Icon Object Properties

Objekti omadused

Position and Size

Specifies the size and the position of the selected image, frame, or OLE object on a page.


Specify properties for the selected image, frame or OLE object.


Määrab teksti objektide ümber mähkimise viisi. Määrata saab ka vahemaa teksti ja objekti vahel.


Specify the properties of the hyperlink for the selected graphic, frame or OLE object.


Määrab Writeris või Calcis valitud objektide ääriste sätted.

Area (Background, Highlighting)

Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.


Specifies the macro to run when you click an image, frame, or an OLE object.


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