Outline & List

Adds or removes outline level, list style, and line numbering from the paragraph or paragraph style. You can also restart or modify the start number for numbered lists and line numbering.

Selle kÀsu kasutamiseks...

Choose Format - Paragraph - Outline & List tab.

Right-click a paragraph, choose Paragraph - Paragraph - Outline & List tab.

Right-click a paragraph, choose Paragraph - Edit Style - Outline & List tab.

Choose Styles - Edit Style - Outline & List tab (Paragraph Styles).

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Outline & List tab (Paragraph Styles).

  1. To change the numbering options for paragraphs that use the same paragraph style, choose View - Styles, and then click the Paragraph Styles icon. Right-click the style in the list, choose Modify, and then click the Outline & List tab.

  2. To change the numbering options for selected paragraphs, choose Format - Paragraph, and then click the Outline & List tab.



Assigns an outline level from 1 to 10 to the selected paragraphs or Paragraph Style. Select [None] to remove the outline level.

Apply List Style

List Style

Select the List Style that you want to apply to the paragraph. These styles are also listed in the Styles window () if you click the List Styles icon.

Redigeeri stiili...

Edit the properties of the selected list style. These properties will apply to all paragraphs formatted with the given list style.

This button is disabled when Heading Numbering is applied. Choose Tools - Heading Numbering to edit the outline level and numbering format.


Outline level and List style are independent of each other. Use Tools - Heading Numbering to assign a numbering format to paragraph styles used as headings in a document outline structure.

The next three options only appear when you edit the properties of a selected paragraph by choosing Format - Paragraph.

Restart numbering at this paragraph

Restarts the numbering at the current paragraph.


MÀrgi see ruut ja sisesta number, mille soovid lÔigule mÀÀrata.

Kerimisnupp "Algusnumber"

Sisesta number, mille soovid lÔigule mÀÀrata. JÀrgmised lÔigud nummerdatakse jÀrjestikku alates siin sisestatud numbrist.


Specify the Line numbering options. To add line numbers to your document, choose Tools - Line Numbering.

Selle lÔigu read nummerdatakse

Includes the current paragraph in the line numbering.

Sellest lÔigust alustatakse nummerdust uuesti

Restarts the line numbering at the current paragraph, or at the number that you enter.


Enter the number at which to restart the line numbering


LÀhtestab aktiivsel kaardil tehtud muudatused, asendades need vÀÀrtustega, mis kehtisid dialoogi avamisel.

The following buttons appear only for Paragraph Style.


Rakendab kÔik muudatused ilma dialoogi sulgemata. LÀhtestamine pole seejÀrel enam vÔimalik.

JĂ€rgi lingitud stiili

MÀÀrab aktiivse kaardi sĂ€tted korraldajas valitud lingitud stiili vastavate sĂ€tete jĂ€rgi. Kui lingitud stiil puudub, asendab selle kaardi sĂ€tted vaikevÀÀrtustega. Ühtlasi eemaldab korraldajast selle kaardi kohta kĂ€iva teabe.

Palun toeta meid!