
Lisab paneeli, mida saab kasutada teksti ja objektide ühe- või mitmeveerulise paigutuse loomiseks.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Frame - Frame

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Frame

Insert Frame

Ikoon lisamise tööriistaribal:

Draws a frame where you drag in the document. Click the arrow next to the icon to select the number of columns for the frame.

To edit a frame, click the border to select it, and then choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties. You can also resize or move a selected frame using special shortcut keys.

Paneeli kustutamiseks klõpsa paneeli äärel ja vajuta Delete.

If you see small red arrows at the beginning and the end of text in frame, use the arrow keys to scroll through the remaining text.

In the preview area of the Frame dialog, the frame is represented by a green rectangle, and the reference area by a red rectangle.

You can also preview the effects when you change the frame anchor to "As Character". The "Baseline" is drawn in red, "Character" is the font height, and "line" is the height of the line, including the frame.

Position and Size

Specifies the size and the position of the selected image, frame, or OLE object on a page.


Specify properties for the selected image, frame or OLE object.


Määrab teksti objektide ümber mähkimise viisi. Määrata saab ka vahemaa teksti ja objekti vahel.


Specify the properties of the hyperlink for the selected graphic, frame or OLE object.


Määrab Writeris või Calcis valitud objektide ääriste sätted.

Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.


Määrab veergude arvu ja paigutuse leheküljestiilile, paneelile või sektsioonile.


Specifies the macro to run when you click an image, frame, or an OLE object.


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