Index (user-defined)
JĂ€rgmised sĂ€tted on saadaval, kui valid registri tĂŒĂŒbiks Kasutaja mÀÀratud.
Vali Lisamine - Registrid ja sisukorrad - Sisukord, register vĂ”i bibliograafia - kaart TĂŒĂŒp (kui valitud tĂŒĂŒbiks on "Kasutaja mÀÀratud")
User-defined indexes are available in the box when you create a new user-defined index in your document.
TĂŒĂŒp ja pealkiri
MÀÀra registri tĂŒĂŒp ja tiitel.
Sisesta valitud registri tiitel.
Select the type of index that you want to insert or edit. The options available on this tab depend on the index type that you select. If the cursor is in an index when you choose the Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography, you can then edit that index.
Kaitstud kÀsitsitehtavate muudatuste eest
VÀldib registri sisu muutmist. Registris kÀsitsi tehtud muudatused lÀhevad registri vÀrskendamisel kaotsi. Kui soovid kaitstud alal kursori abil kerida, vali LibreOffice - EelistusedTööriistad - SÀtted - LibreOffice Writer - Vormindusvahendid ja mÀrgi ruut Kursor kaitstud aladel - Lubatud.
Registri/sisukorra ulatus
MÀÀrab, kas register luuakse kogu dokumendi vĂ”i ainult kĂ€esoleva peatĂŒki jaoks.
Loo failist
Includes paragraphs with the paragraph styles specified in the dialog as index entries. To select paragraph styles, click the button to the right of this option.
Omista stiilid
Opens the Assign Styles dialog, where you can select paragraph styles to include in the index. Choose a desired index level for where a style will be displayed in the index.
Index entries
Choose this option to include index entries inserted in the document with in the generated index.
Kaasab tabelid registrisse.
Kaasab pildid registrisse.
Includes frames in the index.
Kaasab OLE-objektid registrisse.
Use outline level
Assign index level according to the outline level of the heading immediately prior to the table, graphic, frame, or OLE object. With default settings, the higher the outline level, the greater the indent in the generated index.