Loo automaatabstrakt

Copies the headings and a number of subsequent paragraphs in the active document to a new AutoAbstract text document. An AutoAbstract is useful for obtaining an overview of long documents. You can specify the number of outline levels as well as the number of paragraphs displayed therein. All levels and paragraphs under the respective settings are hidden.

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Vali Fail - Saatmine - Loo automaatabstrakt

Kaasatud liigendustasemed

Sisesta liigendustasemete ulatus, mis uude dokumenti kopeerida. Näiteks kui valid neli taset, kaasatakse kõik lõigud, mille stiiliks on Pealkiri 1 - Pealkiri 4, ning sättega Lõike taseme kohta määratud arv järgnevaid lõike.

Lõike taseme kohta

Specify the maximum number of consecutive paragraphs to be included in the AutoAbstract document after each heading. All of the paragraphs up to the maximum defined are included until the next paragraph with a Heading Style is reached.

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