LibreOffice 24.8 abi
Defines a custom slide show using slides within the current presentation. You can then pick slides to meet the needs of your audience. You can create as many custom slide shows as you want.
Read the help page Creating a Custom Slide Show to learn more about how to set up your own custom slide shows.
Lists the custom slide shows that are available in the document.
Kohandatud slaidiseansi loomiseks klõpsa nupul Uus.
Select a custom slide show from the list.
Klõpsa Alusta.
Võimaldab lisada, eemaldada ja korraldada ümber valitud slaidiseansi slaide, samuti muuta valitud kohandatud slaidiseansi nime.
Loob valitud kohandatud slaidiseansist koopia. Nime muutmiseks klõpsa nupul Redigeeri.
Runs the selected custom slide show.