LibreOffice 25.2 abi
MÀÀrab LibreOffice'i ĂŒldised sĂ€tted.
MÀÀrab paigaldatud Abi kÀitumise.
NĂ€idatakse kokkuvĂ”tlikku abiteavet, kui hoida kursorit ikooni, menĂŒĂŒkĂ€su vĂ”i dialoogi juhtelemendi kohal.
MÀÀrab, kas printimist loetakse dokumendi muutmiseks. Kui see sĂ€te on mĂ€rgitud, siis kĂŒsitakse dokumendi sulgemisel pĂ€rast printimist, kas muudatusi soovitakse salvestada. Muudatusena lisatakse dokumendile printimise aeg.
MÀÀrab andmevahemiku, mille piires sĂŒsteem arvestab kahekohalisi aastaarve.
In LibreOffice, years are indicated by four digits, so that the difference between 1/1/99 and 1/1/01 is two years. This Year (two digits) setting allows the user to define the years in which two-digit dates are added to 2000. To illustrate, if you specify a date of 1930 or later, the entry "1/1/20" is recognized as 2020-01-01 instead of 1920-01-01.
Asks you whether to send a crash report to help developers improve the softwareâs reliability. Whenever LibreOffice crashes, you can opt to send a report containing anonymous debugging information, to help track down and eventually fix the root cause.