Grupi elemendi loomise nõustaja: vaikimisi välja valimine

Determines that you want one option field to be selected as the default choice.

The default settings will be accepted if you open the form in the user mode. With these settings you determine the control property Default Status.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.

Kas teha mõni valikuväli vaikimisi valituks?

Specifies whether you want to set default settings for the option box.

Jah, see:

Specifies that you want an option field to be selected as a default after opening the form. Choose the option field from the box.


Select the option field that you want to have as the default when opening the form.

Ei, pole vaja valida ühtegi konkreetset välja

Specifies that you do not want any option field to be the default choice.

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