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Opens a dialog for editing the properties of a selected control.

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From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Control Properties.

From the context menu:

Choose Control Properties.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Control Properties.

Choose Tools - Control Properties.

From toolbars:

Icon Control

Control Properties


You can only call the Properties dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected.

Arvesta dialoogis Omadused andmete sisestamisel, et teatud rippliitbokside jaoks on vÔimalik mitmerealine sisestus. See kehtib kÔigile vÀljadele, mille jaoks saab sisestada SQL-lause ja tekstivÀljade vÔi sildivÀljade omadustele. Saad avada need vÀljad ja sisestada teksti avatud loendis. Kehtivad jÀrgmised kiirklahvid.



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As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property "List Entries", which can be set for the control fields List Box and Combo Box. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened.


This General tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control.


The Data tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control.


On the Events tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields.

Andmed (XML-vormidokumentide jaoks)

The Data tab page of the Properties dialog for an XML Form document offers some XML forms settings.

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