LibreOffice 25.2 abi
Lisab dokumenti video- vÔi helifaili.
KlÔpsa kohal, kuhu soovid faili lisada.
Choose Insert - Media - Audio or Video. For LibreOffice Impress, choose Insert - Audio or Video.
In the File Open dialog, select the file that you want to insert.
Dialoogis loetletud failitĂŒĂŒbid ei ole kĂ”igis operatsioonisĂŒsteemides toetatud.
Kui soovid faili linkida, mÀrgi ruut Lisatakse lingina, vastasel juhul meediafail pÔimitakse (kÔik failivormingud ei toeta pÔimimist).
KlÔpsa Ava.
Alternatively, you can choose Tools - Media Player to open the Media Player. Use the Media Player to preview all supported media files. Click the Apply button in the Media Player window to insert the current media file into your document.
KlÔpsa dokumendis video- vÔi helifaili objekti ikoonil.
If the icon is arranged on the background, hold down
while you click.NĂŒĂŒd on kuvatud meediafailide mĂ€ngija tööriistariba.
KlÔpsa tööriistaribal Meedia taasesitus nuppu Esita.
Impressi esitluse esitamisel esitatakse praegusel slaidil pÔimitud heli- vÔi videofail automaatselt kuni selle lÔpuni vÔi slaidilt vÀljumiseni.
You can also use the Media Playback bar to pause, to stop, to loop, as well as to adjust the volume or to mute the playback of the file. The current playback position in the file is indicated on the left slider. Use the right slider to adjust the playback volume. For movie files, the bar also contains a list box where you can select the zoom factor for the playback.
LibreOffice relies on the operating system's installed media support.
For Microsoft Windows: LibreOffice can open anything for which DirectShow filters are installed (list of default formats).
For GNU/Linux: LibreOffice uses gstreamer, so whatever you can play using gstreamer can be used with LibreOffice (list of defined types).
For Apple macOS: LibreOffice uses QuickTime supported media formats (list of media formats).