LibreOffice 24.8 abi
Avab meediafailide mÀngija akna, kus saad vaadata video- ja helifailide eelvaadet ja need failid praegusse dokumenti lisada.
Meediafailide mÀngija toetab palju erinevaid meediavorminguid. Meediafaile saab otse mÀngijast lisada ka dokumenti.
Opens a movie file or a sound file that you want to preview.
Inserts the current movie file or sound file as a media object into the current document.
Plays the current file.
Pauses or resumes the playback of the current file.
Stops the playback of the current file.
Plays the file repeatedly.
Turns sound off and on.
Adjusts the volume.
Adjusts the size of the movie playback.
Viib teisele kohale failis.