
Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like no-break space, soft hyphen, and zero-width space.

Selle kÀsu kasutamiseks...

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Formatting Mark.

No-break space

Lisab sisetĂŒhiku, mis hoiab mĂ€rgid reavahetuse korral koos ega lase neid poolitada.


Lisab sidekriipsu, mis hoiab mÀrgid reavahetuse korral koos ega lase neid poolitada.


Lisab sÔnasse nÀhtamatu sidekriipsu, mis ilmub nÀhtavale alles siis, kui selle koha pealt on vaja sÔna poolitada.

Narrow no-break space

Inserts a narrow version of the no-break space. The inserted character is Unicode U+202F.

Zero-width space

Inserts an invisible space within a word that indicates a word or line break opportunity, even though no space is shown. The inserted character, which has no width, is UnicodeU+200B.

Word joiner

Inserts an invisible space within a word to indicate that a line break is not allowed between the adjacent characters. The inserted character, which has no width, is Unicode U+2060.


To see the Unicode value for a character prior to the cursor position, use as a toggle.

Vasakult paremale teksti tÀhis

Lisab tekstisuuna tÀhise, mis mÔjutab kogu tÀhisele jÀrgnevat teksti. Seda saab kasutada keeruka tekstipaigutuse (CTL) lubamisel.

Paremalt vasakule teksti tÀhis

Lisab tekstisuuna tÀhise, mis mÔjutab kogu tÀhisele jÀrgnevat teksti. Seda saab kasutada keeruka tekstipaigutuse (CTL) lubamisel.

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