
Select a gradient, modify the properties of a gradient, or save a new gradient.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

Choose Format - Area - Gradients tab.


Lists the available gradients. You can also modify or create your own gradients.


Lisab kohandatud ülemineku aktiivsesse loendisse. Määra ülemineku omadused ja klõpsa sellel nupul.


Rakendab aktiivsed sätted valitud üleminekule. Soovi korral saab ülemineku salvestada teise nimega.


To rename a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Rename. To delete a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Delete.


Use the options to define or modify a gradient.


Vali üleminek, mida soovid rakendada.

Keskpunkt X

Enter the horizontal offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current horizontal location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

Keskpunkt Y

Enter the vertical offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current vertical location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.


Sisesta nurk, mille võrra üleminekut pööratakse.

Transition start

Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the area of the endpoint color on the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

From Color

Vali värv, millest üleminekut alustatakse.

Enter the intensity for the color in the From Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.

To Color

Vali värv, millega üleminek lõpetatakse.

Enter the intensity for the color in the To Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.


Kustutab valitud elemendi või elemendid pärast kinnituse saamist.


Displays a preview of the current selection.

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