LibreOffice 25.2 abi
Asetab lõikepuhvri sisu kursori asukohta, asendades parajasti valitud objektid või teksti.
Arvutustabelites sõltub asetamine sellest, kuidas on lahtrid asetamise ajal valitud. Kui valitud on ainult üks lahter, siis asetatakse lõikepuhvris olev lahtrite vahemik alates sellest lahtrist. Kui valitud ala on suurem kui lõikepuhvri sisuks olev vahemik, siis asetatakse see nii mitu korda, kui valitud alasse mahub.
When copying a cell or a range in LibreOffice Calc the selection is marked with blinking dashes around the range (the "marching ants") to indicate what was being selected during the clipboard operation.
There are two ways to paste the clipboard contents in a spreadsheet document:
Using CommandCtrl+V shortcut, the Paste icon in the toolbar or choose Edit - Paste: The contents of the clipboard is pasted in the target location and the clipboard keeps the contents for more paste operations. The copied selection mark stays active.
Using Enter key: the clipboard contents is pasted once and cleared. No further paste is possible with the clipboard contents. The copied selection mark is disabled.
To deactivate the copied selection mark press the Esc key. The clipboard contents is not cleared.
LibreOffice also supports the clipboard under Unix; however, you must use the LibreOffice commands, such as Ctrl+C.