
Prints the current document, selection, or the pages that you specify. You can also set the print options for the current document. The printing options can vary according to the printer and the operating system that you use.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Print.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Print.

From the keyboard:


From toolbars:

Print Icon


The Print dialog consists of three main parts: A preview with navigation buttons, tab pages with control elements specific to the current document type, and the Print, Cancel and Help buttons.

Kui soovid vaid teada, kuidas oma dokumenti printida, klõpsa suvalisel järgmisel lingil.

General printing:

Printimine vähendatud andmetega

Mustvalgelt printimine

Maksimaalse prinditava ala valimine leheküljel


The settings that you define in the Print dialog are valid only for the current print job that you start by clicking the Print button. If you want to change some options permanently, open - LibreOffice (application name) - Print.


Press Shift+F1 or choose Help - What's This? and point to any control element in the Print dialog to see an extended help text.


The preview shows how each sheet of paper will look. You can browse through all sheets of paper with the buttons below the preview.

Preview checkbox

Turn on or off display of the print preview.

Preview navigation box

Enter the number of page to be shown in the preview in the box or use the arrow buttons to display pages in the preview.

🡆 Shows preview of the next page.

Shows preview of the last page.

🡄 Shows preview of the previous page.

Shows preview of the first page.


On the General tab page, you find the most important control elements for printing. You can define which contents of your document are to be printed. You can select the printer and open the Printer Settings dialog.


The list box shows the installed printers. Click the printer to use for the current print job.


Shows the availability of the selected printer.


Opens the Printer Properties dialog. The printer properties vary according to the printer that you select.

Range and copies

Kõik leheküljed

Prints the entire document.


Prints only the pages or slides that you specify in the Pages box.


Prints only the selected area(s) or object(s) in the current document.

To print a range of pages, use a format like 3-6. To print single pages, use a format like 7;9;11. You can print a combination of page ranges and single pages, by using a format like 3-6;8;10;12.


Select the subset of pages to print. Possible values are:

Paper sides

If the printer is capable of duplex printing it's possible to choose between using only one side of the paper or both.

Koopiate arv

Enter the number of copies that you want to print.


Preserves the page order of the original document.

Create separated prints jobs for collated output

Check to not rely on the printer to create collated copies but create a print job for each copy instead.

Print in reverse order

Check to print pages in reverse order.

Lehekülje paigutus

The Page Layout section can be used to save some sheets of paper by printing several pages onto each sheet of paper. You define the arrangement and size of output pages on the physical paper.

Change the arrangement of pages to be printed on every sheet of paper. The preview shows how every final sheet of paper will look.

Mõne dokumenditüübi jaoks saad valida brošüürina printimise.

Paberi suurus

Set the paper size you would like to use. The preview will show how the document would look on a paper of the given size.


Select the orientation of the paper. Possible values are Portrait and Landscape.

Pages per sheet

Print multiple pages per sheet of paper.

Select how many pages to print per sheet of paper. When the number of pages is set to Custom, then the following settings shows:


Select number of rows.


Select number of columns.


Select margin between the printed pages and paper edge.


Select margin between individual pages on each sheet of paper.


Select order in which pages are to be printed.

Draw a border on each page

Check to draw a border around each page.


Märkimisel prinditakse dokument brošüüri kujul.

Brošüüri printimine

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