LibreOffice 25.2 abi
Saves the current document in a different location, or with a different file name or file type.
To save a document as a template, use the command File - Templates - Save As Template.
Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a URL
Select the file format for the document that you are saving. In the display area, only the documents with this file type are displayed. File types are described in Information on Import and Export Filters.
Alati on soovitatav enne vÀlisesse failivormingusse salvestamist salvestada dokument ka LibreOffice'i failivormingusse, kuna vÀlisesse vormingusse eksportimisel vÔivad mÔned vorminduselemendid kaotsi minna.
Kaitseb faili parooliga, mille kasutaja peab sisestama, kui ta tahab faili uuesti avada.
Parooliga saab salvestada ainult LibreOffice'i XML-vormingus faile.
Enforces the Open Document Format (ODF) when checked.
Use OpenPGP public keys to encrypt documents.
Ekspordib ainult valitud LibreOffice Draw' ja Impressi graafilised objektid teise vormingusse. Kui see ruut on mÀrkimata, siis eksporditakse terve dokument.
Kui eksporditakse suvalisse dokumendifaili tĂŒĂŒpi, siis eksporditakse kogu dokument.
Saves the file.