Menüü Tööriistad

Choose Tools - Gallery or click the Gallery icon on the Standard bar -
New Theme button - Files tab.

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Õigekiri

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Spelling.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Spelling.

From toolbars:



From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Automatic Spell Checking.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Auto Spellcheck.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Automatic Spell Checking.

From toolbars:

Icon Automatic Spell Checking

Automatic Spell Checking

From the keyboard:

Shift + F7

Vali Tööriistad - Keel - Hanguli-hanja teisendus (Ida-Aasia keelte toetus peab olema lubatud)

Vali Tööriistad - Keel - Hiina transliteratsioon (Ida-Aasia keelte toetus peab olema lubatud)

Vali Tööriistad - Keel - Hiina transliteratsioon - nupp Redigeeri termineid (Ida-Aasia keelte toetus peab olema lubatud)

Vali Tööriistad - Õigekiri

Vali Tööriistad - Õigekiri, seejärel klõpsa nuppu Sätted

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Thesaurus.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Thesaurus.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Thesaurus.

From toolbars:

Icon Thesaurus


From the keyboard:

+ F7

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Language.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Review menu of the Review tab choose one of the language commands.

From toolbars:

Icon Manage Language

Manage Language

Vali Tööriistad - Värviasendus (LibreOffice Draw ja LibreOffice Impress)

Vali Tööriistad - Meediafailide mängija

Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic, or press +F11 (if not assigned by your system).

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Macros - Run Macro.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Run Macro.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Run Macro.

From toolbars:

Icon Run Macro

Run Macro

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - BeanShell/Javascript/Python.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Javascript/Beanshell/Python.

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Makrod - Salvesta makro.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Record Macro.

From toolbars:

Icon Record Macro

Record Macro

Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic,
click the Organizer button,
click the Libraries tab,
and then click the Password button.

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic,
click the Organizer button.

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Extensions.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Extension menu of the Extension tab, choose Extensions.

From the keyboard:

+ Alt + E

Choose Tools - Extensions, click Check for Updates button.

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - XML Filter Settings.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose XML Filter Settings.

Tools - Macros - XML Filter Settings, then click New or Edit.

Tools - Macros - XML Filter Settings, then click Test XSLTs.

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Kohanda

From the tabbed interface:

On the top right menu (☰), choose Customize.

Vali Tööriistad - Kohanda - kaart Menüüd

Choose Tools - Customize - Menus tab, click the hamburger Icon Hamburger menu dropdown menu and choose Add.

Choose Tools - Customize - Menus tab, click the hamburger Icon Hamburger menu dropdown menu and choose Move.

Choose Tools - Customize - Keyboard tab. A document must be opened.

Choose Tools - Customize - Toolbars tab.

Choose Tools - Customize - Events tab.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Options tab.

Vali Tööriistad - Automaatkorrektuur - Automaatkorrektuuri sätted - kaart Nutikad sildid

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Replace tab.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Exceptions tab.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect Options - Localized Options tab.

Vali Tööriistad - Automaatkorrektuur - Automaatkorrektuuri sätted - kaart Sõnade lõpetamine

Vali - LibreOffice Calc - Vaade

Vali - LibreOffice Impress / LibreOffice Draw - Vaade

Vali - LibreOffice Draw - Üldine

Path selection button in various wizards.

Click Edit button for a few entries under - LibreOffice - Paths.


Vali - LibreOffice

Vali - LibreOffice - Isikuandmed

Vali - LibreOffice - Üldine

Vali - LibreOffice - Vaade

Vali - LibreOffice - Printimine

Vali - LibreOffice - Asukohad

Choose Tools - AutoText - Path. (autotext only)

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - ImageMap.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Image menu of the Image tab, choose ImageMap.

From toolbars:

Icon Image Map

Image Map

Choose Tools - ImageMap, then select a section of the ImageMap and click Properties - Description.

Vali Vormindus - Ala - kaart Värvid

Vali Vormindus - Ala - Ala, klõpsa nupul Värv ja seejärel nupul Vali


Klõpsa dialoogi Ruumilised efektid kaardi Valgustus nupul Värvide dialoog

Vali - LibreOffice - Fondid

Vali - LibreOffice - Turvalisus

Vali - LibreOffice - Edasijõudnuile

Choose - LibreOffice - OpenCL.

Vali - LibreOffice - BASICu IDE

Vali - LibreOffice - Uuenduste kontroll

Vali - LibreOffice - Hõlbustus

Vali - LibreOffice - Välimus

Vali - Laadimine ja salvestamine

Vali - Laadimine ja salvestamine - Üldine

Choose - Load/Save - VBA Properties.

Choose - Load/Save - Microsoft Office.

Choose - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility.

Choose - Languages and Locales.

Choose - Languages and Locales - General.

Choose - Languages and Locales - General - Complex Text Layout.

Choose - Languages and Locales - General.

Choose - Languages and Locales - Writing Aids,
in the Available language modules list, select one of the language modules and then click Edit.

Choose - Languages and Locales - Writing Aids.

Choose - Languages and Locales - Searching in Japanese.

Choose - Languages and Locales - Asian Layout.

Vali - Internet

Vali - Internet - Puhverserver

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer - Ühilduvus

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer - Üldine

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Mail Merge Email.

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - AutoCaption.

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer / LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Vaade

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer / LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Vormindusvahendid

Vali - LibreOffice Writer / LibreOffice Calc / LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Alusvõrk

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer - Põhifondid (lääne)

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer - Põhifondid (Ida-Aasia) (võimalik ainult siis, kui Ida-Aasia keelte toetus on lubatud)

Vali - LibreOffice Writer / LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Printimine

Vali - LibreOffice Calc - Printimine

Vali - LibreOffice Writer / LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Tabel

Ava tekstidokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer - Muudatused

Ava HTML-dokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer/veeb

Ava HTML-dokument, vali - LibreOffice Writer/veeb - Taust

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Üldine

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Vaade

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Arvutamine

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Ühilduvus

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Sortimisloendid

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Valemid

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Vaikeväärtused

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Sortimisloendid - nupp Kopeeri

Ava arvutustabel, vali - LibreOffice Calc - Muudatused

Ava esitlus, vali - LibreOffice Impress

Ava esitlus, vali - LibreOffice Impress / LibreOffice Draw - Üldine

Ava esitlus, vali - LibreOffice Impress / LibreOffice Draw - Vaade

Ava esitlus, vali - LibreOffice Impress / LibreOffice Draw - Alusvõrk

Ava esitlus, vali - LibreOffice Impress / LibreOffice Draw - Printimine

Ava joonistus, vali - LibreOffice Draw

Ava Mathi dokument, vali - LibreOffice Math

Ava Mathi dokument, vali - LibreOffice Math - Sätted

Vali - Diagrammid

Vali - Diagrammid - Vaikimisi värvid

Vali - LibreOffice Base

Vali - LibreOffice Base - Ühendused

Vali - LibreOffice Base - Andmebaasid

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Redact.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Redact.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Redact.

From toolbars:

Icon Redact


From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Auto-Redact.

From toolbars:

Icon Auto-Redact


Palun toeta meid!