Database Wizard

The Database Wizard creates a database file that contains information about a database.

Depending on the type of operation and the type of database, the Database Wizard consists of a varying number of steps.

If you create a new database file, the wizard contains two steps.

Select Database

Creates a new database, opens a database file, or connects to an existing database.

Save and proceed

Specifies whether you want to register the database, open the database for editing, or insert a new table.

Connection settings

Defines the connection settings to an existing database.

ODBC Connection

Text File Connection

Microsoft Access Connection

ADO Connection

dBASE Connection

Firebird Connection

JDBC Connection

Oracle Database Connection

MariaDB and MySQL Connection

PostgreSQL Connection

Spreadsheet Connection


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Click the Next button, and the wizard uses the current dialog settings and proceeds to the next step. If you are on the last step, this button becomes Create.


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