
MenĂŒĂŒ Vormindus sisaldab kĂ€ske dokumendis valitud lahtrite, objektide ja lahtrite sisu vormindamiseks.


Opens a submenu where you can choose text formatting commands.

Align Text

Set the alignment options for the current text paragraph in its container.

Number Format

Default number formats.

Eemalda otsene vormindus

Removes direct formatting from the selection.


VÔimaldab lahtritele mÀÀrata erinevaid vormindussÀtteid ja omistada atribuute.


MÀÀrab rea kÔrguse ning peidab read vÔi nÀitab neid.


MÀÀrab veeru laiuse ning peidab veerud vÔi nÀitab neid.

Merge and Unmerge Cells

Opens a submenu for merging and unmerging cells.


Muudab valitud mÀrkide fonti ja fondi omadusi.


Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.

Page Style

Avab dialoogi, kus saab mÀÀrata dokumendi kĂ”ikide lehekĂŒlgede vĂ€limuse.


Tegeleb trĂŒkialadega. Prinditakse ainult trĂŒkialadesse kuuluvad lahtrid.

Conditional Formatting

Use Conditional Formatting to define range-based conditions that determine which cell style will be applied to each cell in a given range based on its contents.

AutoFormat Styles

Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected or to define your own AutoFormats.


Opens a menu for sparklines formatting.


Opens a submenu where you can choose commands to manipulate images.

Chart - Export as Image

Exports directly the chart as image. Select the image file type in the Save dialog.

Text Box and Shape

Opens a submenu to edit the properties of the selected textbox or shape.


Omistab valitud objektile nime, mis vÔimaldab seda Navigaatori aknas hÔlpsasti leida.

Alt Text

Assigns a text and an alt text to the selected object. These texts are available as alternative tags in your document for use by accessibility tools. They are also available as tags for images when you export the document.


Shows anchoring options for the selected object.


Muudab valitud objekti(de) ladumisjÀrjestust.

Align Objects

Joondab valitud objektid ĂŒksteise suhtes.

Align Text

Set the alignment options for the current text paragraph in its container.


Peegeldab valitud objekti horisontaalselt vÔi vertikaalselt.


RĂŒhmitab valitud objektid nii, et neid saab liigutada nagu ĂŒht objekti.

Palun toeta meid!