Arvutustabeli vormindamine

Teksti vormindamine arvutustabelis

  1. Vali tekst, mida soovid vormindada.

  2. Vali vormindusribalt soovitud tekstiatribuudid. VÔid kasutada ka kÀsku Vormindus - Lahtrid. Ilmub dialoog Lahtrite vormindamine, mille kaardil Font saab valida mitmesuguseid teksti atribuute.

Arvude vormindamine arvutustabelis

  1. Vali lahtrid, mis sisaldavad arve, mida soovid vormindada.

  2. Kasuta arvude vormindamiseks vaikimisi vÀÀringus rahana vÔi protsentidena vormindusriba ikoone. Teiste vormingute mÀÀramiseks vali Vormindus - Lahtrid. Kaardil Arvud saab valida mÔne eeldefineeritud vormingutest vÔi koostada oma vormingu.

Lahtrite ja lehekĂŒlgede tausta ning ÀÀriste vormindamine

  1. You can assign a format to any group of cells by first selecting the cells (for multiple selection, hold down the key when clicking), and then activating the Format Cells dialog in Format - Cells. In this dialog, you can select attributes such as shadows and backgrounds.

  2. To apply formatting attributes to an entire sheet, choose Format - Page Style. You can define headers and footers, for example, to appear on each printed page.

MĂ€rkuse ikoon

An image that you have loaded with Format - Page Style - Background is only visible in print or in the print preview. To display a background image on screen as well, insert the graphic image by choosing Insert - Image - From File and arrange the image behind the cells by choosing Format - Arrange - To Background. Use the Navigator to select the background image.

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